Rabu, 16 November 2011

The Benefits of Coconuts

Do you know this is a healt blog. His name is also Blog Healthy, surely that is displayed not far from health problems, although sometimes the information presented is not new anymore ... but it never hurts to make information sharing. Info this time regarding the efficacy and benefits of coconut water for our bodies ... nah let alone ya ..? :)

Coconut is known as the plant is rich in benefits. Almost no part of the coconut trees that are not useful for life. But not infrequently also take advantage of people who do not understand any part of the coconut. Coconut water for example, it is only a waste because the confused use them. Though it is very nutritious coconut water for health and fitness.
Well .. that coconut water was wasted, you need to know what properties and benefits. Here's seven reasons why you need to drink coconut water:
1. Coconut water is more nutritious than full milk (whole milk) because it contains no cholesterol and low fat.
2. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and is known to cleanse the digestive tract.

3. Coconut water will not only make your immune system is better, but it also helps the body fight some types of viruses that cause disease.
4. If you suffer from kidney stones, make it a habit to drink coconut water regularly. The habit of drinking coconut water will help break up kidney stones and ease them out of the body.

5. Coconut water is also known since the first can cure urinary tract disorders. A glass of coconut water will relieve the pain of difficult urination.
6. If you still feel a hangover, no one can recover quickly in addition to consuming coconut water.

7. Tender coconut water that tastes very rich in electrolytes and potassium. Potassium can help the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac function.
Already useful and fresh

Senin, 14 November 2011

Get White Teeth Now

Basically, the color of our teeth are white. But with so many nutrients that pass through the teeth and by the age factor, the color of white teeth and can not survive forever. That's what we should watch. If you have a problem with the look of your teeth, do not worry because now there are many ways to treat and deal with it. We consider it along with tips for healthy white teeth and the following
1.       Wood charcoal; Actually charcoal is also very powerful way to clean the yellow stains on teeth, but this material is dangerous, because it can permanently damage the email and cause pain in the teeth. Therefore, you should not try it.
2.       Lemon and Salt; get bright white teeth by using a paste made from a few drops of lemon juice mixed with a pinch of salt. Apply the paste to the tooth and rub gently like when you're brushing your teeth. This will help remove rust stains on the tooth surface.
3.       Orange skin; Brush your teeth by using the inside of orange peel. Orange peel contains whitening elements that are very soft, which will help remove rust stains on teeth without harming enamel. Hail leaves; Take six bay leaves, and then drying in the sun until dry and crisp. Puree the sixth bay leaves, then add the orange peel powder. Rub the mixture onto your teeth every day, then certainly within two weeks you will get white teeth naturally.
4.       Strowberi; Strowberi not just a delicious fruit to be enjoyed. Beside rich in vitamin C, strawberries are also known to have properties to clean the teeth. Though sweet, strawberries are not harmful to dental health. Instead, this fruit can actually help remove rust stains on your teeth and make it a brilliant white.
5.       White and Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple juice and white vinegar are also very effective at removing rust stains on the teeth, because both contain elements of bleach helps remove stains quickly. However, both these materials are very strong in character, so use on a daily basis will cause damage to the enamel layer. In addition, it was also very bitter.

How to Clean Your Face

Face without black-black is so nice. Now, I wan to share about How to remove Blackheads Naturally
1. Use egg whites
Take a little egg white, place in a container, beat until frothy. Spread around the nose or the face of blackheads. Cover with paper towels. Allow to dry completely. Remove the paper slowly. In the inner tissue, will be seen spots blackheads are lifted.

2. Scrub vegetables and nuts mask
Blender kailan a leaf, a piece of celery, ¼ apple, mixed with lemon juice. Rub and massage the face gently with a vegetable scrub, then rinse.

Steam your face with hot water which has been given 1 tablespoon salt. Allow 10 minutes. Salt water steam will open pores, capillaries widen blood vessels under the skin and smooth.

Combine juice and soy beans, used as a mask, let stand 30 minutes, rinse. Use several times.